I am delighted and honored to have recently received not just one Sisterhood Award nomination, but two of 'em! This is an award from bloggers, to bloggers, in recognition of a blog spot which shows great attitude and/or gratitude.
Both came from women I not only like, but also admire. Being a part of their world has brought me a great deal of joy, and to have Meanderings and Muses recognized by them is quite gratifying. Thank you to Carol Murdock, who writes the ever so lovely blog, The Writers Porch. And a big thank you to Kelli Stanley, who somehow finds the time in between writing great novels of historical noir - the first of which, NOX DORMIENDA (a long night for sleeping), is an award winning, beautifully written novel already in its third printing, to also write a blog.
Keeping with the tradition of paying it forward, by the rules shown below, herewith are my nominees (wonder women all), and the directions:
1. Put the logo on your blog or post.
2. Nominate up to 10 blogs which show great attitude and/or gratitude!
3. Be sure to link to your nominees within your post.
4. Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog, or sending them an email.
5. Remember to link to the person from whom you received your award.
And my nominees are:
1. Julia Buckey's Mysterious Musings
2. Sam Hoffer's My Carolina Kitchen
3. Maggie, Marilyn, Rhonda, and Marian's The Stiletto Gang
4. Patti Abbott's pattinase
5. Sandra, Darlene, Julia, Liz, Lonnie and Sharon at Poe's Deadly Daughters
Thanks, Kaye! I'm honored that you sent me the Sisterhood Award. :)
Kaye, I am flattered and honored for the Sisterhood Award. I will pass it on with pleasure.
Congrats for your nomination, Kaye! Couldn't have been more deserved.
Kaye, no one deserves it more than you. :) You are a true ray of sunshine, and a blessing to the book world. :)
Well-deserved! And the ones you awarded it to -- also great! (Those I know -- and I'm definitely checking out the others).
Kaye, thank you again for this award. I've passed it on to some deserving bloggers.
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