Tuesday, January 14, 2025

A reminder. Why we need stories -

 We have always needed stories.  We always will.

During the toughest of times, like now, we turn to art.

The art of a story . . . a photograph . . . a painting . . .

An old photograph has the ability to bring an old story into the present, to bring an old memory to the forefront, unite some hearts and make us smile.

My longtime fascination with old photos and the forgotten stories behind them led me to this story.

I've been known to make up stories for old photos I find in flea markets.

The true story that goes with this beautiful mysterious photo is more magical than fiction.

I love this story.

Written by Marissa J. Lang




Harry Naltchayan

Joyce Naltchayan Boghosian
daughter of late Post photographer Harry Naltchayan

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Snow, soup, and football - Yay!

Snow and Soup go together like apple pie and ice cream.  Like a horse and carriage.  Like meatloaf and mashed potatoes.  You know - like that.

The corn and potato and bacon chowder I fixed several weeks back was a hit so we thought we would try it again. 

But because following a recipe to the exact teaspoon is beyond me, I played around with two recipes that are similar.  And, yes, I probably added a couple  little touches of my own.

You just never know around here exactly what to expect.  Admittedly, there's been more than one "well, let's not try this again" outcome.

Fingers crossed for today's soup.

A combination + of




Annabelle thinks it's all good.  Yep, a small piece of cooled potato will suit her just fine after a walk in the snow.

IF we can get her to cone in!

She loves the snow.

And a little later -



No Chiefs game this week-end.  🙁

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Our Christmas tree and secret wishes


I have never had a set date for putting up a tree, or for taking it down.

Usually it goes up shortly after Thanksgiving.  Sometimes Thanksgiving night.  

Sometimes it doesn't get put up at all.

If ones goes up, it will usually (not always) come down sometime in January.

This one may stay right where it is for the next four years.

This particular sweet little tree has become very important to me.

It has become a recipient of my thoughts, and tears, wishes and prayers.

As most of the country worries about California today, one man, yet again, makes his horrible self conspicuously more horrible by his lack of empathy, common sense and common decency. 

He's an idiot.

A monster.

How will we survive for four years?  

Sane people will be suffering breakdowns - physical, mental, emotional, economic - individually and collectively.

After reading all I can possibly stomach of his hateful ignorance, I find comfort sitting quietly with only the light shining from our little Christmas tree.

My mind wanders through thoughts of past Christmases.  Those spent with friends and family that are no longer here.  

And I find myself sharing thoughts about how our world is today.  

The tree is little, but mighty - as trees are; even if they're not really "real."

This tree, along with some treasured old ornaments hanging on its branches, now has some of my thoughts hanging there as well.  And a secret wish or two.

Along with my thoughts relating to the stupidity he's spouting about

        The Gulf of America.



                                           The Panama Canal.

You know - crazy shit.

Gramps is cra-cra.

Dangerously so.

Crazy shit flying out of the mouth of a monster who calls himself a leader.    Pfffttt.

The only "leading" he's capable of is leading us into one crisis after another while embarrassing us.

By the time he's finished destroying this country I will be bent (not broken) with the heaviness of it all.

I just need to decide whether I can do it without the peace I've received from this sweet little tree. It's going to be a very long, brutal four years.

Is it about time to pack her up for a year's worth of rest?

Or not.

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Resolution(s) ?


Even if I don't always announce my intentions to lose weight, those intentions live full-time in my head (as i grab a hand-full of oreos).

I guess it's only on New Year's Day intentions become resolutions.

Is that how that works?

But, anyhoo, aside from that little nugget . . .

For the past few years I have borrowed Laura Lippman's idea for a simple, concise one word resolution.

This year I don't even feel comfortable doing that.

I thought I might use "disengage."

That's honestly the word that suits my state of mind best right now.

But, instead, I think I'm going to say, quite simply, this:  

I will disengage as I can in that I will continue not watching the news.  I will pick and choose what headlines I want to delve into or walk away from.  I will not allow a slimy cretin I believe to be a greedy soulless, heartless monster enter my mind on a daily basis.  Fuck him and his band of greedy spineless idiot disciples.


My disengagement only goes so far.  

I have deep reserves of fight left in me for the important battles coming our way.

Queue Tom Petty (and turn it up!!!)

Well, I won't back down
No I won't back down
You could stand me up at the gates of Hell
But I won't back down
No I'll stand my ground
Won't be turned around
And I'll keep this world from draggin' me down
Gonna stand my ground
And I won't back down
(I won't back down) Hey baby
There ain't no easy way out (I won't back down)
Hey I will stand my ground
And I won't back down
Well, I know what's right
I got just one life
In a world that keeps on pushin' me around
But I'll stand my ground
And I won't back down
(I won't back down) Hey baby
There ain't no easy way out (I won't back down)
Hey I will stand my ground (I won't back down)
And I won't back down
(I won't back down) Hey baby
There ain't no easy way out (I won't back down)
Hey I won't back down
(I won't back down) Hey baby
There ain't no easy way out (I won't back down)
Hey I will stand my ground (I won't back down)
And I won't back down (I won't back down)
No I won't back down
Songwriters: Tom Petty, Jeff Lynne. For non-commercial use only.