Thursday, January 16, 2025

Silent Book Clubs + Michelle Obama

Are you familiar with silent book clubs, such as Silent Book Club®?

Are you a member of one?

If you're not, here's a little information for you -

From Google:

"Global communities of readers

I am not a member of a silent book club, but would certainly give one a try.

Honestly, it does sound like something I would enjoy quite a lot.

Maybe I'll give some thought to starting a small one if there's not one close by. We'll see.

But first, before I start thinking about it too hard, I'd like to invite you to join me for my little one-time only

 "Kaye Barley's Meanderings and Muses 

Michelle Obama On-Line Silent Book Party"  


 show support for Mrs. Obama on January 20.

The rules include (and yes, these are my rules 'cause it's my blog).

1. That you join me in reading one of two books written by Michelle Obama.


2.  That you join me in reading one of these books on January 20, 2025 instead of watching TV that day.

3.  Read in print form, or electronic, or listen to it - whatever is your preference.  Just (see Rule #2).

4.  If you feel the need to discuss either, or both, of these books, Yay! Please feel free to share your thoughts either in your own Silent Book Club, or by leaving a comment right here at my blog.  (see Rule #2).  

5.  But, be warned, the comments are moderated.               By me.  

Which means that comments may not be visible immediately after posting because I won't be in front of my laptop 24/7, AND, it also means, if they're mean hateful shit comments they Will. Not. Be. Posted.

6.  In keeping with the history of book clubs world-wide, be they silent or loud and rowdy,  snacks and beverages of the readers' choices are encouraged during reading time January 20, 2025 in support of Michelle O'bama.  (see Rule #2).  

I hope some of you will join me!

Spread the Word!

No RSVP Necessary



Ann said...

I don't plan to watch tv and I've been meaning to read her first book so yeah, I'll do this.

kk said...

I am in. Michelle Obama is the Right Stuff.

kk said...

Yay for Kaye & Michelle.

Kaye Wilkinson Barley - Meanderings and Muses said...

I think you'll love it. Thanks for joining us!

Kaye Wilkinson Barley - Meanderings and Muses said...

She IS!!!!

Kaye Wilkinson Barley - Meanderings and Muses said...

LOL! Thanks, Kay!

Lesa said...

I have an unread copy of Becoming! I'm in for most of the day, but Ohio State is playing in the National Championship that night, and I have to watch the game. I always call my Mom at halftime.

Kaye Wilkinson Barley - Meanderings and Muses said...

Oh! You know I'll be watching that game too!! My life is All About Football this year. (i think you're going to love the book, Lesa )

Kaye Wilkinson Barley - Meanderings and Muses said...

Michelle Obama is, to me, a rock star. A woman of strength, integrity, intelligence, humor and strong convictions. She is a very quotable woman. This from The Light We Carry:
“I believe that each of us carries a bit of inner brightness, something entirely unique and individual. A flame that’s worth protecting. When we are able to recognize our own light, we become empowered to use it. When we learn to foster what’s unique in the people around us, we become better able to build compassionate communities and make meaningful change.” ― Michelle Obama, The Light We Carry: Overcoming in Uncertain Times