Well, I go through them. The "blahs."
Not often. Thank Goodness.
And when they pass I want to kick myself because all in all, I have a lovely life.
I have the dearest husband on God's green earth.

I still have my mom, who is my buddy. She's 82 and still spry and sharp and funny and dear.
I have Harley.

I have a home I love.

And I have some of the best friends ever. Some have been in my life since I was a little girl, some have been with me since I was a young single woman in Atlanta, some I've met since I've become a happily married woman. There are my new friends I've met since we moved here to Boone 12 years ago. And there are those who are involved in some way in the mystery community, and those in the blogging world.
My latest funk was pulled right out from under my feet very recently by women of the mystery world and a new woman friend in the blogging world.
It's hard to feel sorry for yourself when you find your very own name in one of your favorite mystery author's newsletter. Hard to feel sorry for yourself when you open your mailbox and find a copy of a yet to be released mystery novel with a sweet note full of hugs tucked inside the book. And hard to feel sorry for yourself when a new blogging friend sends you an award and writes nice things about your blog at her own blog. That would be Sam Hoffer at the wonderful My Carolina Kitchen. Sam's recipes and photos are enough to keep me hungry, and her lovely stories keep me entertained. And bless her heart, she sent me this little award just when I was in sincere need of a boost.

This is an award given to blogs that have made a splash. That, my friends, is heartening beyond words. If Meanderings and Muses has caused even a ripple, a smile, or moved someone to think a little harder about something, I am pleased. If it has perhaps helped someone discover a new author or a new book, or has maybe just helped someone enjoy a little bit of time away from a day that wasn't one of their best. Then, as the saying goes, my work is done.
I enjoy being told I've made a splash, and as with all the blogger awards, I will pass it along to one of my favorite bloggers who has, for sure, made a splash.
Jen Forbus is making a very big splash with her Jen's Book Thoughts. She's captured the attention of the mystery community in a big way, and is one of its favorite bloggers. One of her most fun weekly events is "You Have the Right to Six Words: Six-Word Memoirs From Crime Fiction's Greatest Writers." She's had some heavy hitters, for real! Including one of my very favorite writers - Laura Lippman. If you haven't visited with Jen yet, do drop by and say hey to her. I think you'll enjoy your visit.
And about those blahs? Honey - they're long gone. Counting your blessings can always help chase the blues away.

Glad the blahs are gone. Keep smiling!
Kaye! I simply don't know what to say. I'm teary-eyed and tryin' my best not to let these suckers stream down my face since I'm at work! This has totally made my day, and I wasn't in a funk. I'm going to be on Cloud 9 now for the rest of the week. Anyone needs me, that's where you can find me.
Thank you so much, my friend. This really means the world to me, and I'll have a special hug for you in October just for this!
xxoo Jen
Kaye, I'm sorry to hear you have the blahs, but I'm glad the Sparkle Award cheered you up a bit. We do have a lot to be thankful for and I have no idea why the blues visit every so often but they do.
Here's a true mountain story for you. My husband was going in WalMart the other day and met a gentleman (a stranger) coming out the door. They said hello and my husband asked the man, "How are you doing?" The gentleman thought for a moment and said, "Well, I'm not hungry and I don't hurt."
I couldn't have said it better myself.
Kaye, I think everyone feels that way sometimes. (And some feel that way all the time ... poor them!) I receive a blog called The Happiness Project, written by Gretchin Rubin. Reading her every day might help keep the bluahs away.
Thanks, Bill! Continually sending good thoughts to you & Judy!
Y'all. Bill Crider. One of the shiniest stars in the mystery world. And one of the nicest men in the entire world - mystery and otherwise.
Jen, you're doing great stuff and deserve to be quite proud. See you in October, cutie!
Sam! You got here before I could even send you a note to tell you to drop by! I'm not hungry and I don't hurt. oh man. That's a wonderful saying, isn't it?! I may have to needlepoint it, or cross stitch it and hang it up over my desk at work. That's where the blues seem to hit me the hardest, and I'm not as close to retirement as I'd like to be. Maybe THAT'S the thing that's causing the blues!!
Dave - Thanks!!! I'll take a look at Ms. Rubin's blog; sounds like a good one. And you know, I just love good blogs!
So glad the real Kaye is back! And how great that you'll be at the launch of SAND SHARKS!
Vicki - I was gone for a little longer than I'd like to admit. But better now, I think.
thank you.
I haven't been to Raleigh, other than just to drive through, in years. I may actually ask Donald to take me to Crabtree Mall. Haven't been to a real mall in years either! LOL!! Country girl goes to town, here.
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