Friday, April 2, 2010

The 4th Annual Washington Post Peeps Diorama Contest - Happy Easter !

Happy Friday, Everyone!

Happy Good Friday!

It's Easter Weekend and my friend Aubrey sent me links to see this year's entrants for the Washington Post Peeps Diorama Contest.  Y'all - this is too fun.  There were over 1100 entries - here are just a few.  Enjoy!!

and here's the winning entry -

For their winning diorama based on the Pixar flick Up, Michael Chirlin and Veronica Ettle of Arlington constructed a miniature Victorian house from plywood and Popsicle sticks, and placed it atop salvaged mattress springs to give it an airborne quality.

Read all about it and see more entrants here -

Who knew peeps could be so much fun?!

Happy Easter, and may yours be filled with peeps of your own - to play with or to eat - and a few chocolate bunnies too.

Maybe we should start our own Easter diorama contest - but with bunnies!  Hmmm . . .   something to ponder . . . perhaps next year we'll do just that!


Mason Canyon said...

How cute. I had never heard of the contest. Somebody went to a lot of trouble and work. They were all adorable.

Top Ten Books said...

Very interesting contest.