Thursday, July 11, 2019

Lights For Liberty

Have you read, or listened to, what Yazmin Juarez told Congress? 

The story of her 19 month old daughter is chilling.

If there is an event near you tomorrow protesting this nation’s immigration policy, please consider participating. 

Immigrants seeking asylum in the U.S. are NOT illegal.

You can click here to check for locations where protests are planned:

I know there are people who still feel as though protesting is a waste of time.

I refuse to believe that.

There is strength in numbers. The more people adding their presence to the protests, the more effective.

I agree with Margaret Mead's philosophy - "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."

Don't leave it all up to someone else. 

Show your support. 

It's YOUR country. 

Fight for it. 

Don't look away.

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