Thursday, June 9, 2022

70th Wedding Anniversary Celebration for Don and Pearl Barley

70 years of marriage.

What an amazing milestone.

Worthy of celebration, indeed.

Asked what they would like to do, the celebrants, Don and Pearl Barley, chose an at-home family dinner party.

And so it was.

And lovely in every way.


Hosted by Steve and LeeAnn.

Surrounded by sons Donald and Steve, DsIL Kaye and LeeAnn, grandsons Matt, Ryan, and Harrison, grand DsIL Blakely and Rebecca, and granddog Duchess.

Dinner catered by Bright Star.

Desserts from Edgar's.


Seems we all got caught up chatting, eating, and enjoying one another and the cameras were apparently forgotten.

Rest assured, dinner and champagne toasts did happen.

Followed by desserts.

Followed by stories, and gifts.

It truly was a perfect evening.

We stopped by for Sunday morning coffee with Don and Pearl before heading back home to Boone.

What an inspiration they are.

And they raised two fine sons.

I am so, so lucky to be married to one of them.

And to be a part of a family I love.



Lesa said...

Kaye, They were so smart to have it at home and have it catered. The photos are lovely. I'm happy you all had a good time.

70 years! That really is a milestone. Congratulations to both of them. And, as you said about our celebration, they raised fine sons, and have a beautiful family.

Kaye Wilkinson Barley - Meanderings and Muses said...

Thsnk you, Lesa.
LeeAnn did the planning, and did such a great job!!! Entertaining is one of the things at which she is a star. Her home (and beautiful back yard) - the perfect setting. Bright Star is an iconic Birmingham fixture with delicious food. The rest of us brought appetizers, champagne and desserts. It was all so perfect.

Unknown said...

Thank you for sharing such a wonderful, meaningful family event. As I enjoyed these beautiful pictures, I was reminded of YOURS and DONALD'S wedding. It was a beautiful day and a beautiful happening. Now 30+ years later, Pearl and Don's 70th wedding anniversary is equally as beautiful. This is absolutely heart warming. Those Barley boys are pretty darn special and the Barley-In-Law I know and love is even more so.

Kaye Wilkinson Barley - Meanderings and Muses said...

Oh, Nan. Thank you.

That day way back 38 years ago was pretty special, huh?
And you were one beautiful bridesmaid.

Love you, Nan