my bags are packed and I'm ready to go . . .
And I'm excited.
You may recall that last year was my first Bouchercon, and I had just the best time ever. I'm excited about this one, and know I'll just have the best time ever (again!).

Last year I went not knowing what on earth I was getting into, but quickly felt as though I had found my tribe. A lot of people had told me this was what would happen - but I was skeptical, to say the least. But I'm here to tell you - the mystery community is just the greatest, most generous, most welcoming group of people on God's green earth. For real.
This year I'm going with a load of fun plans made well in advance. The fun begins bright and early at the Greensboro Airport where I'm meeting my traveling buddy, BG.
We're then meeting up with some more North Carolina folks - but not until we reach the Indianapolis Airport. From there BG & I plan on sharing a limo with Karen and Molly and Vicki to our hotel. Dinner plans Wed. night with Mary Jane, Liz, Sandy, Caryn, Vicki, Molly and Karen, a 6:30 breakfast Thursday morning with Judy, lunch with WendySis & Jonathan, dinner . . . . and the list goes on . . . . right up until the convention comes to an end on Sunday afternoon.
And if you'll stop back by next week, I'll tell you all about it. With a beezillion pictures to boot.
Y'all. It is going to be too fun! I'm excited.
Looking forward to seeing a lot of you there.
Sad that I'll be missing several of my favorite folks who are unable to be there this year . . . You will be missed!
I'm so sorry to be missing you there, Kaye! I contracted a virus and the doc says I can't travel this week less I infect everyone. I dropped you a note about it, but wanted to let you know here, too. Hope you have a great, wonderful time, and tell Jonathan and WendySis hello for me, as well as everyone else we know in common.
Wish i could make it. Be sure to leave another detailed rundown of your trip like last year. It makes us feel like we're right there with you. Have a great time!
Kaye, have a wonderful time. Say hi to Vicki for me.
You HAVE to post the picture of you in Craig's hat first. I love that one.
Thanks for helping make my first B'con such a total blast, Kaye!
Hi Honeys - I'm Home!!!!
(HA! I love saying that).
Jake - I will!!!!!!
You know I will.
A very long, very fun, very detailed rundown.
It was a wonderful Bouchercon and if you really want to hear all about my side of things, check back, please (Jake - you need to try to get one of these - start saving your pennies and your vacation time!!).
I'll be working on a post in bits and snippets all day today and will try to get it posted today or tonight, or tomorrow.
Along with downloading a few hundred pictures.
Shane - you were missed. By a whole ton on us. I hope you're feeling better. Here's another "feel better hug."
Sam - hey! I've missed reading "My Carolina Kitchen" and all my other favorite blogs while I've been gone! Vicki was glowing every time I saw her in Indianapolis. She may have already blogged about the whole experience - I have had a second to look at any of the blogs yet - THAT'S at the top of my "to do" list today!
Wendy. I love you, Sis. (you have got to quit making my cry!!!!!)
That picture of me wearing Craig's hat IS a hoot!
Y'all - me in Craig Johnson's hat. a hoot. Mr. Johnson is a very big person so when he dropped his wonderful big ol' cowboy hat onto my head you can only imagine how very attractive I looked. and everything went very dark for a few minute. another one of those B'con magical moments.
More later, guys! Gotta call my mom and let her know I'm home safe and sound.
Looking forward to the photos!
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