And the winner is - - - -
to DA!
Drop me an email, please, with your mailing address and I'll drop DEAD AIR in the mail to you ASAP.
Thanks for participating, everyone!
Another Give-Away coming soon!
to DA!
Drop me an email, please, with your mailing address and I'll drop DEAD AIR in the mail to you ASAP.
Thanks for participating, everyone!
Another Give-Away coming soon!
I'm a fool for lists. Love 'em and find myself making them all the time. Sometimes I make them 'cause they're fun, but sometimes I make them out of necessity. It's impossible for me to take a trip without making a list first. And everything - I mean everything - has to be included. Even the most obvious items. Toothpaste and toothbrush? Yep. Gotta be on the list. 'Course, just because it's on the list and manages to get packed, doesn't necessarily mean it gets to its final destination. And I don't mean because the airline lost a bag (although we do know that happens once in awhile, right?!). Sometimes it happens because - well, because it gets forgotten and left behind. I suggest when and if this ever happens to you, you just stay calm, declare a "shopping emergency" and buy yourself a new pair of jeans and a crisp white shirt (and maybe a sweater, or a bright, pretty scarf or shawl - or one of each!). It's an outfit that can carry you a long way. If that sounds like one of those "I've been there and done that" things, well - it is.
But - moving right along - these lists are fun things.
The first is my list of some of my favorite books from 2009. I know I'm forgetting some, so I'm sticking with the statement "some of my favorite books." And as I remember more, this list could change. (Is there a rule that I can't change my list once I've posted it? Pfft! My list - My rules. Life's short - Right? 'Nuff said.).
Okeey doke - First List: Some of my Faves. Listed alphabetically by author's last name.
Ken Bruen & Reed Farrel Coleman - Tower
Toni McGee Causey - When A Man Loves A Weapon
Lee Child - Gone Tomorrow
Reed Farrel Coleman - Empty Ever After
Pat Conroy - South of Broad
Deborah Crombie - Necessary as Blood
JT Ellison - Judas Kiss
Linda Fairstein - Lethal Legacy
Robert Fate - Baby Shark's Jugglers at the Borders
Dorothea Benton Frank - Return to Sullivan's Island
Julie Hyzy - State of the Onion
Craig Johnson - The Dark Horse
Laurie King - The Language of Bees
William Kent Krueger - Heaven's Keep
Laura Lippman - Life Sentences
Mary Jane Maffini - Law & Disorder
Michael Malone - The Four Corners of the Sky
Margaret Maron - Sand Sharks
Carol O'Connell - Bone by Bone
Louise Penny - The Brutal Telling
Peter Robinson - All the Colors of Darkness
S. J. Rozan - Winter and Night
Hank Phillippi Ryan - Air Time
Alex Sokoloff - The Unseen
Louise Ure - Liars Anonymous
Kathryn Wall - Covenant Hall
Sharon Wildwind - Missing, Presumed Wed
Next is a list of books I'm looking forward to in 2010. Most of the writers above are on my "auto-buy" list, so they're automatically included in what I'm looking forward to reading next year. The ones I've listed are those I was able to find information about, ie, a title and the estimated month of publication (always subject to change). If any of you know of a book by one of the above authors that you don't see on this list, let me know, please!!
In order of month of presumed publication, here's what I'm looking forward to:
Eggsecutive Orders: A White House Chef Mystery by Julie Hyzy
Aunt Dimity Down Under by Nancy Atherton
Drive Time by Hank Phillippi Ryan
The Teabury Strangler: A Tea Shop Mystery by Laura Childs
Hell Gate: Alex Cooper by Linda Fairstein (confession. I have an ARC of this which I cannot WAIT to start reading. oh boy oh boy oh boy . . . )
Acadia Falls by Carol Goodman
Holly Blues: A China Bayles Mystery by Susan Wittig Albert
Cat of the Century: A Mrs. Murphy Mystery by Rita Mae Brown
This Body of Death: An Inspector Lynley Novel by Elizabeth George
The Black Cat: A Richard Jury Mystery by Martha Grimes
The God of the Hive: A Novel of Suspense featuring Mary Russell and Sherlock Holmes by Laurie R. King
Shoot to Thrill: A Monkeewrench Novel by P. J. Tracy
61 Hours: A Reacher Novel by Lee Child
Junkyard Dogs: A Walt Longmire Mystery by Craig Johnson
Lowcountry Summer: A Plantation Novel by Dorothea Benton Frank
The Devil Amongst the Lawyers: A Ballad Novel by Sharyn McCrumb
Book of Shadows by Alexandra Sokoloff
Torn Apart by Shane Gericke
Burnt Mountain by Anne Rivers Siddons
The Cold Room by J.T. Ellison
Christmas Mourning by Margaret Maron
A book I'm especially looking forward to but don't know a publication date for is THE DAY OF SMALL THINGS by Vicki Lane.
If Reed Farrel Coleman has a new Moe Prager in the works I will be one very happy woman.
Fingers crossed for a Dave Robicheaux novel from James Lee Burke.
Another Pat Conroy? big sigh. Fat chance. We'll probably have to wait another ten years for the next jewel by Pat Conroy. But worth the wait.
How about a Justin Savile/Cudy Mangum mystery from Michael Malone? That would be lovely. It's been too long since the last one!
Now, it's your turn! I'll be interested in hearing what your favorite books of 2009 were, and what you're looking forward to reading in 2010.
And, finally - keeping in this holiday spirit of things, I have a book to give away. It's DEAD

If you're interested in winning this book, just leave a comment INCLUDING YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS, please. I'll be drawing the winning name on Sunday, January 3rd. Check back here to see the winning name which I'll post after I've been in touch with the winner via email.
Happy Reading, Everyone!!
Hi Kaye, The new Julie Hyzy is already out. I got it for Christmas (sort of). A picture of it was in my sock, but the book showed up a couple of days later-actually the day after Christmans I think.
And I've won enough stuff lately, so don't enter me in the drawing.
I'm a list maker too Kaye. Always have been. I'm looking forward to the new Dorthea Benton Frank book. I just finished her "A Christmas Pearl" with stories and recipes of the low country long ago.
I hope you have a happy and healthy new year.
Just stopped by, Kaye, to see your list. It's a good one, and I appreciate the list of forthcoming books as well. (My husband has been asking when Lee Child's next book is due out. Thanks.) And, most of all, wanted to wish you a Happy New Year! I hope there's a lot of good reading in your future.
Lesa -
Enter me for the book give away, please.
I am a list maker also and for me it is well worth it.
Have a blessed 2010.....
Morning, Kaye! THE DAY OF SMALL THINGS is scheduled for September 28, 2010 (if nothing don't happen, please god!)
Yeah, I'm a list maker too and my current list says I have to go start taking the tree down -- an all day task, there are so many doo dads to pack away. And cook the black-eyed peas and do all that New Year stuff including saying
Happy New Year, Kaye!
Looks like a great year in books!
Lots to look forward to.
Mystery Writing is Murder
My lists are ridiculous. I have them everywhere! I need a list of lists, I think.
I have so many books I'm looking forward to (so here's another list):
Robin Burcell's BONE CHAMBER
Robert Crais' THE FIRST RULE (o.k., I already read it, but it's still a 2010 release)
Kelli Stanley's CITY OF DRAGONS
Rosemary Harris' DEAD HEAD
Alafair Burke's 212
Andrew Gross's RECKLESS
Chris Grabenstein's ROLLING THUNDER
Michael Koryta's SO COLD THE RIVER
Gregg Hurwitz's THEY'RE WATCHING
Sophie Littlefield's A BAD DAY FOR PRETTY
Craig Johnson's JUNKYARD DOGS
I know there are many more I'm missing - can you believe all these books to look forward to? And you better guard that ARC of Linda Fairstein's! ;)
Happy New Year, Kaye!!
Kaye, thank you for including me on your lists!! I have lots of the same "looking forward to" as you do. So many books I want to read in 2010, and I still have a bunch from 2009 I haven't gotten to yet, but I'm determined!
Thanks so much, Kaye. You are so sweet!
Kaye, I haven't compiled my list of 2009 favorites yet, but I'm looking forward to most of the same books you are in 2010, especially those by Martha Grimes, Laurie R. King and Vicki Lane.
Happy New Year Kaye!
Thanks for your lists, as a librarian I'm always making lists of books, read, to read, liked, didn't like - you get the picture! Haven't made my 2009 list yet, I'll get there eventually.
Aw, Kaye, thanks for the wonderful plug for my upcoming novel. Readers like you are what make writing so worthwhile, cause you believe we actually have something to say. It's not true, naturally, but that you believe it tickles me no end :-)
Seriously, thanks for everything you do for the writing community, and for blessing us with your wonderful thoughts in this blog. And I'm so glad you were able to take a shower in the new year!
Hi Guys!!
Thanks for dropping by!
Happy New Year!
Thanks for this Caryn - It just so happens I have a couple of gift cards I'll be needing to make use of soon - Hooray!
Sam - I loved "A Christmas Pearl" too. Ms. Frank just rocks.
Lesa - I LOVED your blog about the whole decade. Girl. You set the blogging bar high and I appreciate it. Happy New Year to you & Jim.
Charlotte - thanks for stopping by and Happy New Year to you (your name is in the hat!).
Vicki - thank you for letting me know the new pub date for THE DAY OF SMALL THINGS! I cannot WAIT!
Elizabeth - isn't it fun to know we have all these terrific books in our future? Including YOURS!!
Jen, hi! Oh Laws. Another whole slew of books to add to my list . . . thank you!!
Oh, Julie. There is no one sweeter than you, and that's the truth. Y'all - if you don't know Julie - meet a recent Anthony winner. MUCH deserved!
Sheila & Patty - Why am I not surprised that you're both list makers?! Can't wait to see yours!!
Shane, hey there! I love squealing about books. It's at the top of my list of favorite things. (Pfftt - you made me laugh - I'm happy for that shower too, my friend!)
Hi Kaye! I've just been scrolling through the postings and must say you've had a worse winter so far than we have! We haven't lost power once so far (touch wood!) and we don't have the pleasure of a wood stove. Anyway, I'd like to wish you, Donald, and Harley a great 2010, with lots of good reading and pleasant memories to review come 2011.
Hi! You'll be happy to know that Reed Farrel Coleman has Moe Prager #6 due out this fall, INNOCENT MONSTER. :-)
This has absolutely nothing to do with this post (as fabulous as it is), and I apologize to anyone receiving an email that might indicate something of fun and further enlightenment might be worth their time.
I've checked in with you from time to time, Ms. Kaye, but tonight in an all-out attempt to procrastinate working on this scene that has me stumped, I spent a few extra minutes.
Your pictures are fabulous. They look like a little part of Colorado settled in North Carolina. I adore your dog (and okay . . . a little bit that fine looking fellow you hang with), and within site of my desk at this very moment is my own personal tiarra. Which was presented not because I deserved it, but because it's a fun thing to share with girlfriends.
I think we are probably siblings that were spirited away to other families while we were sleeping. Does that make sense? It would explain so much . . .
Have an absolutely magnificent 2010.
Hugs and love from Colorado (where we're looking at more snow and cold in a couple of days),
David! Great News! Thank you!!
oh boy.
Any of you who have not met Reed Farrel Coleman's Moe Prager - well, what can I say? Get busy and read 'em all - you'll love 'em! I recommend starting with the first in the series - "Walking the Perfect Square."
No. 2 is "Redemption Street."
No. 3 - "The James Deans" (winner of the Anthony, the Shamus, and the Barry in 2006).
No. 4 - "Soul Patch" (Shamus winner; 2008).
No. 5 - "Empty Ever After" (Shamus winner; 2009).
Peg - you are adorable.
By following you at Facebook, (no no - I was NOT stalking you!), I was beginning to think we might indeed share, at the very least, a rather large limb on our family tree. I'm gonna call my mom and ask for some answers, by gum!!!
In the meantime, let's count on the fact that one of these days, somewhere, sometime, we are going to manage to get together and have our picture made wearing our tiaras while having a giggle fit. How's that?! I look forward to it.
Thank you for being such a sweetie. Hugs and a barrel of love right back at you. (and I'll toss in another barrel of snow. See you a barrel and raise you a barrel).
Kaye! You are too wonderful. (But you know that.)
Happiest of new years! And thank you for always providing a wonderful place to chat, to see old pals, and meet lovely new ones. Oh--and thank you for putting me on THE LIST!
My sole resolution for the New Year:
Finish reading through my 2008 list.
That'll clear the decks for a few of these. Looks like 2010 is going to be a great year in the Crime Fiction aisle.
I'm eager to read FALSE MERMAID by Erin Hart, coming in March. And of course (BSP coming right up) I'll be delighted to see BROKEN PLACES in print in February. :-)
I am honored to be in the august company. Thanks so much. Sharon Wildwind
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