Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Another Contest - Oh Boy! This one for thriller author Shane Gericke

To celebrate the upcoming launch of his new cop thriller, Torn Apart, author Shane Gericke is having his website cleaned, pressed, and buffed to a fine glow . . . and he'd like readers to choose the main photo for his Home Page.

To check out the choices--Shane Serious or Shane Friendly--and register your vote, go to www.ShaneGericke.com and send in your choice. Contest ends soon, so hurry!


Shelby said...

oh I like the funnier picture better.. although it's not really 'funny'.. just looks so relaxed and real.

happy day :)

Shane Gericke said...

Thank you, Shelby, it's lovely of you to say. So far, the e-mail onslaught is running in your favor.

And Kaye, thanks so much for posting this for me. You're so great to all us authors and readers!
