“I’ve never known any trouble that an hour’s reading didn’t assuage.”
- -Charles de Secondat
Must Reads! by Wendy Bartlett
Happiest of New Year’s to you and yours! My name is Wendy Bartlett, and unlike most of Kaye’s guest bloggers here on Meanderings and Muses, I’m not a writer. Just a Reader, as they say. (Oh, and Kaye’s honorary little sister, which is how I ended up here with you today.) But who better to kick off Kaye’s illustrious list of guest bloggers, really, than someone who loves to read?
And I was so glad to be here at my favorite time of year. As much as I love the holidays, I look forward to New Year’s even more, and for one simple reason. I can look ahead to all the fabulous reading I’ll get to do in the coming year.
And as the years go by, and I discover more and more "Must Read" authors to add to my list, the anticipation just keeps building.
Take a look at my list-and these are just the mysteries!! Who’s on yours?
I’m really looking forward to a new Louise Penny, my favorite Must Read author addition of the last few years, as well as her fellow Canadian, Peter Robinson, who never disappoints.
And here’s hoping for a new Laurie R. King, even though last year was a Mary Russell, so this is a stand alone or Kate Martinelli year, I suppose. I’m a huge Mary Russell fan, but any King is better than no King. She’s a writer who is not afraid to take chances, and I love that about her books. You have no clue what you’re signing up for when you start a Laurie R. King, but you know you’re in good hands. Laura Lippman is like that too, and like King, she turns them out, so if we’re lucky, there’s a new Lippman on the way.
March is my favorite month…….and trust me, no one else in Northeastern Ohio says that. Ever. But it’s mine because two of my favorite series come out in March.
Linda Fairstein’s Hell Gate releases in early March, and you can bet mine’s on order already. My only complaint about Fairstein is that she’s too compulsively readable. I always think I’m going to pace myself and make the newest Alex book last longer, and it never, ever works! Sigh. Here’s hoping we’re back to the Vineyard this year. Suppose the French restaurateur is still hanging around?
And long about St. Patrick’s, Rhys Bowen releases a new Molly Murphy. I love that series. Rhys writes the hunkiest love interests…….Daniel is to die for. And I love historical mysteries, so Molly’s 19th century New York is a big favorite. I even made a pilgrimage to Patchin Place the last time I was in New York! And in July, just in time to treat myself to a birthday book, Rhys comes back with her Royal Spyness series set in the ‘30’s and starring Lady Georgiana (Georgie to her friends and readers). I read the last one, Royal Flush, in one delicious evening. Topping, as Georgie would say.
There’s scores more names on my list…….here’s hoping we see a new Bess Crawford, in the new series from Charles Todd. Duty to the Dead was an awesome kick off to this series and one of my favorite books of last year.
And I never argue with a new James Lee Burke, or Reginald Hill, or Anne Perry, for that matter. Steve Hockensmith is riding off range to write about zombies (could I make that up?) instead of cowboys playing Sherlock Holmes, so here’s hoping he’s back with more Old Red and Big Red adventures soon! And what would the year be without a stop in Charleston for tea with Laura Childs?
So no matter what 2010 brings, all I really care is that I’ve got a great bunch of old and new favorites with which to curl up!
Take a second and tell us whose name is on your "Must Read" list this year, and enjoy another warm and wonderful year at Meanderings and Muses! See you here again soon!

Hey Wendy! Good to see you here at Kaye's. And btw, Kaye, Wendy and I met up at Steve Hockensmith's event in Chagrin Falls right after Christmas. How cool was that?
I reviewed it today, but next week will bring the most recent Robert Crais, THE FIRST RULE. Oh, be still my Craisie heart!
You're right Wendy, I never say March is my favorite month, even though my birthday resides there. This year however my beloved Ellie Hatcher returns. Alafair Burke didn't have a book published last year, so I'm waiting on pins and needles for 212.
I believe we will see a new book from Ariana Franklin this April. As well as the next Josie Prescott from Jane Cleland. And round about May I'll be snatching up JUNKYARD DOGS from Craig Johnson. Of course, I'll also have to listen to that one because George Guidall makes the perfect Walt Longmire *sigh*
In June my Michael Koryta returns with his first Little, Brown publication: SO COLD THE RIVER.
What else is included in my 2010 must read list? Well, I can't wait for the return of Brad Parks and Sophie Littlefield, my two favorite debut authors this year. And I'm eagerly awaiting the debut of Hilary Davidson, THE DAMAGE DONE. Tim Hallinan's Poke Rafferty/Bangkok series is always a must read. And Tom Schreck will, hopefully, be releasing VEGAS KNOCKOUT this year.
Good golly, I could go on for hours. Hope you have a wonderful year of reading and that we can meet up again soon!
Happy New Year!
Laurie R. King is releasing a Russell Mystery in April 2010. It is called "The God of the Hive" and there will be another Russell in 2011.
Hi, Wendy:
Just dropping by to say hello. Love the photos, by the way!
I don't have a must-read list for 2010. Most of my favorites in 2009 were complete surprises, so my request for 2010 is -- surprise me.
Pat Browning,
Listening to the wind howl as our Artic Blast gets underway here in the OKC metro.
Ooops. That's an Arctic Blast. I think. Okay ... I'll look it up. But whatever or whichever -- it will be COLD.
Pat Browning
Never say JUST a reader, WendySis. You're what it's all about. Without you, there'd be no us. Get well wishes to Evan. I hope the two of you keep warm and safe for the rest of this rough winter and have some fun along the way with plenty of hot chocolate and a snowball fight or two.
Hi Jen!! I was so delighted to see you at the Hockensmith event!! Wasn't Steve great? And I couldn't get over how many people braved the snow to get there. We were thrilled to get that crowd!!
I love your Anticipation List! I am new to Craig Johnson, but he was so incredibly charming at Bouchercon I had to start reading him!
And stay tuned.......we may be getting Amy Bloom, Emilie Richards, and Dan Chaon this spring for author events :)
talk to you soon.......and stay out of the snow!!!!
OMG!! There's a new RUSSELL coming??
I'd stay and chat, but I have to go reserve it on Amazon!
Hi Earl and Pat!
Yep, the Arctic Clipper is coming tomorrow. Have to get birdseed tonight for my little friends, 'cause I have no reason to believe I'll get Nelly out of the driveway for a few days!!
You are not "just," you are a fabulous reader. I may be a writer, but long before I was a fabulous reader. Enjoyed your post!
Wendy, I really like your list. I especially enjoy Louise Penny, Laurie R. King, Rhys Bowen and Reginald Hill. I haven't read Linda Fairstein or Charles Todd yet, but intend to soon.
My most anticipated 2010 book is Ms. King's THE GOD OF THE HIVE, which is a sequel to last year's THE LANGUAGE OF BEES, which ended, "... to be continued."
Mostly I'm looking forward to the new books I have right here, many of them Christmas presents: Christopher Fowler's BRYANT & MAY ON THE LOOSE, Sophie Littlefield's A BAD DAY FOR SORRY, John J. Lamb's THE TREACHEROUS TEDDY, Sean Chercover's TRIGGER CITY, Brad Parks' FACES OF THE GONE, and John Connolly's THE GATES. And that's only a partial list.
Right now I'm thoroughly enjoying Sue Grafton's U IS FOR UNDERTOW. I've liked all her books, and I can already tell that this is one of her best!
Sheila, I love Bryant and May too! If you like Rhys and Louise, you will LOVE LOVE LOVE this Charles Todd series. I haven't read the Ian Rutledge ones, but this new series is awesome!
Thanks for all the tips, Wendy! And what great pictures of you and Kaye!
I love this!
Every time I see a new list, I find a new book or author I want to try, and it never fails - get people talking about books and we all reach for a pen to add a name to our always growing TBR list.
WendySis - Thanks for being here, and you'll be back; right?!
And thanks everyone for making Wendy feel so welcome.
I'm late to this discussion, but I had to chime in on two counts:
The readers are gods, writers are their humble servants. Which might sound modest, but -- I read more than I write!
This year, I won't have a book out in March. I feel a little guilty about this. At the same time, I think the extra time I took to write my new stand-alone was worth it. In copy-editing now, and it has an official publication date of Aug. 18. So I have a quiet spring for the first time in a long time and I'm going to need it.
Hey Laura!
I'm sure it will be worth the wait....so no guilt!
Does it have a title yet?
Hey Laura!
I'm sure it will be worth the wait....so no guilt!
Does it have a title yet?
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