Monday, December 20, 2010

Ending the year with a look back at where we work

Last year many of the Meanderings and Muses guests honored us by agreeing to a request I made of them; to share a peek at where they work their magic. 

I stole the idea from THE WRITER'S DESK by Jill Krementz

It was a bunch of fun, and quite interesting, to see what people chose to share.  Some chose their "real" office.  Some chose their alternative offices.  Some chose a view from their office window.  And some chose a spot completely away from their laptops where their imagination just soars.

And now, here they all are.  Gathered  together in one spot, shown here in the order in which they were posted.

The Meanderings and Muses' version of THE WRITERS' (and Their Readers') DESKS.  

Gillian Roberts

Liz Zelvin

L.J. Sellers

Sandra Ruttan

Toni Kelner

Lou Allin

Kelli Stanley

Morgan Mandel

Jenny Milchman

Hank Phillippi Ryan

JT Ellison

Sandra Parshall

Clea Simon

Marilyn Meredith

Pat Conroy

Whoa - Pat Conroy?!

Well, O.K.
So he wasn't a guest blogger.


We were part of his Blog Tour with TLC though - you can read it here

That counts.



Jen Forbus

Mary Welk

Karen Olson

Lesa Holstine

Bronson "Bo" Parker

Alan Orloff

Jane Cleland

Patricia Neely Dorsey

Vicki Delany

Chester Campbell

Barbara Fister

Joanna Campbell Slan

Elaine Viets

Larry Karp

Meredith Cole

Chris Grabenstein

Elizabeth Spann Craig

Ooops!  That was Elizabeth's adorable Corgi, Chloe!

Chloe stole that shot, didn't she?!

Marcia Talley

Diane Chamberlain

Sarah Byrne

Mary Jane Maffini

Radine Trees Nehring

Rhonda Dossett

Patty Andersen

Neil Plakcy

Bill Crider

Leighton Gage

Beth Groundwater

N.J. Lindquist

SJ Rozan

Vicki Lane

Barbara Fradkin

Robin Minnick

Louise Penny

Sharon Wildwind

Mark  Coggins

Kate Gallison

Twist Phelan

Nancy Means Wright

Shelley Costa

Deni Dietz

R. J. Harlick

Kaye Barley, beginning Feb. 1, 2011. 

Thank you, everyone.

You've helped Meanderings and Muses
have yet another wonderful year, 
and it is much appreciated.

Here's to spending many more years together



jenny milchman said...

What a great stream of shots--and what a great year you made for everyone at M&M, Kaye! Wow, some of those views are simply staggering...the beach, a cliff over the beach, even Vicki's snow. Love all the cats (and yes, the corgi, too)! Happy New Year, to Kaye & all her many readers--can't wait to be back here in 2011 :)

L.J. Sellers said...

Thanks for sharing these. It was fun to see them all together for comparison.

N. J. Lindquist said...

Very cool!

And I hope you find your writing office works well! :)

Aubrey Hamilton said...

Terrific collection of photos! Especially love the kitty shots. (It worries me that most of those desks are clean and neat. Mine looks nothing like that!)

Patty said...

What fun - thanks for including me!

Hank Phillippi Ryan said...

I love this! Thank you, Kaye! It's interesting to analyze, you know? The elegant spare clean areas, the cluttery colorful chaotic areas...lots of light, not much light. Desktop, laptop. Hmm. It must mean something...

Happy New Year and much much love to all... (And odd to think you can look back and see right where I'm sittng..)

Sandra Parshall said...

Happy New Year, Kaye. I hope I'll be seeing you at some point in 2011.

Meredith Cole said...

I love seeing the pictures all together like that, Kaye! Just shows how each of us need something different from our work space. And now I remember how I cleaned mine up for the picture (it almost never looks like that!) and removed the mounds of paper from the surface.

JT Ellison said...

A fabulous year. Merry Christmas!

Beth Groundwater said...

Love your new "desk," Kaye!

Happy holidays to you and yours and to all your blog readers,

Neil Plakcy said...

I want Marcia Talley's view! What a great compendium. Thanks for posting all these together, Kaye.

Morgan Mandel said...

I cannot believe how neat my desk looked when I sent over that photo. It's a lot more like Hank's now!

No matter where we work, we get it done in our own way.

Thanks so much for sharing these.

Elaine Viets said...

What fun to see how so many writers work. Could mysteries be written without cats?

Hank Phillippi Ryan said...

That's good though, right, Morgan? xxo

Meredith, you cleaned up? Brilliant. I, clearly, didn't.

Kaye Wilkinson Barley - Meanderings and Muses said...

Hi, everyone! thanks for stopping by!

This was a fun piece, wasn't it?

Hank, I agree - it is interesting to see the different personalities reflected in work areas. also interesting to see who cleaned everything up before taking their pictures!! LOL! You little dickenses. (is dickenses a word?)