Friday, December 10, 2010

A nut is a nut is a nut

And then there are


As in The Mixed Nutz

The Mixed Nutz is the name of a book group.

Or it used to be a book group.

Now it's sort of a "non-reading" book group.

We, the Nutz, still read (some more than others), but we don't all like the same books, so we don't read as a group.

But, we do like to eat.  And we're less picky about what we eat than we are about what we read.

Once Upon a Time - - -

Many years ago, The Mixed Nutz started as a book group meeting once a month.  We would bring food (but of course), and discuss the latest book.


We've evolved.

Now we eat out. 

We discuss everything under the sun, laugh like crazy people, and shed a tear or two from time to time over the bad stuff.  And we might even mention what we've been reading!

Here we are over the years -

Meet The Nutz !

We have to start with last night's dinner.  The cutie wearing the rain poncho is Susan.  It did look as though it might rain any minute inside the restaurant (we also coddle one another when the need arises).

Susan standing, Terri, Michelle and Amy

Me, Terri, Susan, Amy, Ellie, Michelle


One of the things the holiday season is all about



Merry Christmas Amy, Susan, Terri, Michelle and Ellie -
I love ya!

and here's to many more years of life as a Nut


Wendy said...

What a great looking bunch! Reading, eating, long as you're having fun!

Darla said...

What a delight to be one of the Nutz! :-) Reminds me of that little ditty...

I'm a little acorn brown
Lying on the cold, cold ground
Everybody steps on me
That is why I'm cracked, you see.

I'm a nut, I'm a nut .... LOL

Vicki Lane said...

What a fun book club!

LJ Roberts said...

My group, which averages 6-9 people per meeting and about to start our 17th year, still reads books. We choose three books for each month--you don't have to read all three--and discuss those plus go around the group and talk about what else we read during the month. No food but lots of laughter.

Kaye Wilkinson Barley - Meanderings and Muses said...

Hi, guys!!

Darla - that little ditty is a HOOT! I've never heard it, but I will pass it along to my "nutz." Thank you!

Vicki and Wendy - you'd love this group and they would love you back.

LJ - 17 years! That is amazing, and pretty wonderful.