Sunday, June 19, 2016

Cambridge High School Class of '66 - 50th Reunion

Yesterday I posted pictures from Friday night at Portside.  You can see them here -

Today we'll revisit Saturday night at The Hyatt where a grand time was had by all.

This is the high school we all remember

This is where we partied on Saturday, June 11, 2016.  

But this is what it looked like before it was The Hyatt.

Back when it was The Eastern Shore State Hospital for the Insane, opened May, 1915.

This sad reminder of the hospital remains

photos taken by Charles Tinley

The Potters Graves from the Eastern Shore State Hospital.

The original granite marker was placed in this spot in 1986 by the ESHC Auxiliary stating - -
"In remembrance of the residents laid to rest here from 1935 to 1962."
"All God's Children"

An additional plaque was added in a 1999 rededication  by
The Harold M. English Foundation.
It states - -

"198 rest here"

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Class of '66 
50th Reunion

This first group of pictures tells a story. Those in the picture and in that room know the story. Those who don't won't see everything it represents, but the production and the laughs that goes into getting this group shot taken at every reunion - every 5 years - is priceless. 

It takes longer to get classmates together for this event than it does to herd cats. 

Then the impossible task of getting everyone to hush, and to smile - well, its just not possible. 

We used to have a professional photographer come and take this shot. I think at this stage all the Eastern Shore professional photographers now say, "No. No. I did this once - never again. Don't call here again." 

So it's up to spouses and partners to capture the moment. There's a strong connection running through this group. A connection that gets stronger as we each get a little older. And, sadly, as we look around and realize how many are no longer with us - and we remember each of them. And lastly, it now takes those of us sitting on the floor much longer than it once did to get back up.

Entertained by The Fabulous Hubcaps

Classmates from East Cambridge Elementary School

Classmates from Academy Elementary

Classmates from Peach Blossom Elementary

pictures from previous reunions can be seen here  -

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