Sunday, August 20, 2023

Sunday in Meat Camp


Sundays have always been my favorite day.

Even now that we're both retired and rarely know for sure what day it is, Sundays just feel different.



No idea why, but it just does feel this way to me.

It's 3:15 and a gorgeous blue sky day.

76 degrees with a little mountain breeze.

Doors and windows open.

The house is sparkly clean thanks to Clean Mountain Escapes.

Dinner will just need a re-heat - aka "leftovers." 😊

And I'm reading a perfect escape book.  Escape to Starshine Cove (although it does have me itching to go on a beach trip).

I was not familiar with Debbie Johnson, but am tickled pink to have discovered her, and to learn there will be a second Starshine Cove book, available in November.

I hope you're all having a perfect Sunday.

Now I'm on my way back to Starshine Cove - see ya!

Life is good.

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