Friday, September 29, 2023

Another Hero

 I have shared a few of Leslé Honoré's poems here from time to time.  

We can all learn from the inimitable Ms. Honoré and her words of wisdom

Fist & Fire: Poems that Inspire Action and Ignite Passion is available at your favorite bookstore

This poem is one that she posted at Facebook.
It might speak to you, as it did me.

I met with my editor today 

*whispers to my 7 year old self 

“We have an editor”

We looked at the magnificent art for 

My 2nd children’s book 

*whispers to my 17 year old self 

“We have written books

We are an author” 

I met with my team today 

We laughed and learned 

We are growing together 

*whispers to my 27 year old self 

“We have a team”

I sat in my office today 

Looked at pictures of my dragons 

My parents 

At the art on my walls 

*whispers to my 37  year old self 

“We made a life darling. A good life” 


Today I met with myself 


And my 47 year old self held court 

We talked about love

lost and gained 

Love in abundance 

We talked about pain

Smoldering aches

Reoccurring tenderness 

The heartbreaks that broke us

And rebuilt us 

We talked about our dreams 

The ones came true 

The ones we 





I met with myself and told her 

how fucking proud i am of her 

Not of the achievements

But the battles won 

The private ones 

The ones that she carried alone 

How proud i am of her heart 

Of how it can love so profoundly 

Even after it has been betrayed and abused 

Proud how she glued it back together with gold 

Her kintsugi soul 

More beautiful than anything that can dangle from her ears

Wrap around her wrist 

Circle around her finger

Sway against her skin  

I met with the me of long ago

The me of yesterday 

We held each other 

In memory, in promise, in thanksgiving

I met with myself today 


It was a very productive meeting 

Dear FTC - i purchased a copy of  Fist & Fire

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