Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Need some prayers, please

One of Mother's favorite staff members at her new home, Cranberry House, noticed that Mother seemed to not be feeling so great last night.

This morning, they got her showered and dressed and she seemed okay.  A few  hours later though, she told Kathy she was not feeling well.

Kathy said she was looked pale and just not quite right. 

Gigi (administrator, former nurse for many years) checked her vitals, realized she was wheezing badly, running a fever and in distress.  They called the EMTs who were there in 4 minutes and they took her to Cannon Memorial.

When I got to Cannon Memorial they had her in the ER, had determined she had pneumonia and possibly congestive heart failure and fluid in her lungs.

She's been admitted and is resting comfortably.  She is aware of where she is, who I am and was calm as a cucumber.   She does not like the oxygen mask, but when the ER nurse explained that they were giving her a breathing treatment and the mask was necessary she said, "oh, well.  I guess that makes sense.  Okay.  It can stay."

I went by Cranberry House earlier today with the car loaded down and that's when I learned the news about Mother.  

Her room is looking wonderful.  With Kathy and Gigi and Rhinnanon's and the rest of the staff's help, it is looking and feeling like home.  Mother's major complaint about her new living quarters has nothing to do with the living quarters, but with the poor choice of clothes I chose to take.  They're all too damned tight says she, so today I bought her some new, cute, but bigger clothes.

She should be much happier when she gets back to Cranberry.

Send some prayers and good thoughts, please.

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