Monday, December 7, 2015

Watauga Democrats Christmas Party 2015

It's not very often I have an occasion to get dressed in anything other than work-out clothes, jammies, or yoga pants and a Tshirt for hanging around the house any more.

As far as I can think of right now - that's the only downside of being retired.  The only downside.  

And it's not really all that often that it is a downside.


Sometimes a gal wants to put on a dress.

At least, this gal does.

In case I haven't mentioned this before, I am pretty much as girly girl as a girl can get.

So, was there any better reason for me to go to the Watauga Democrats Christmas Party last night?

One even better than me getting to wear a dress AND my red cowboy boots?!

Well, in all seriousness - yes.

Yes there was.

I got to catch up with old friends and meet some new friends.

I got to participate in a delightfully fun and funny door prize event.

And eat some delicious food

And enjoy a little holiday spirit with a group I intend to spend a lot more time with next year.

I have gotten to know some of the people in this group over the years.

But, as politically minded as I am, I'm embarrassed that I haven't done more.

It's time.

The Watauga Dems are a force.

They're an unbelievably active group with some incredible politically savvy folks.

Many of their ideas have been drafted and put into action at the state level.

Some of the younger members who got involved while at Appalachian State University have been hired away.  They'll be doing important work for the Democratic party - just no longer at the local level.

Pretty impressive stuff.

I have attended a couple of the Dems luncheons, and have, of course, attended the now well known annual plant sale.

Last night at the Christmas party I was welcomed with open arms.

Introduced to people I did not know.

Got to hug the people I did.

I was impressed with the easy mix and mingle of everyone, and especially enjoyed watching the members of my generation interact with easy mutual respect with the younger members.

Besides the mixing, mingling, prizes and good food   .   .   .

One of the highlights of the evening was being entertained by some of our ASU students.

We had some stories about most memorable Christmases.

We got to hear a wonderful performance of Leonard Cohen's "Hallelujah"

We got  tickled at a fun little skit

There was even a bit of a chorus line to Jingle Bells

And, of course, there was the political side of the evening.  We got to hear what's coming up and who we we can look forward to supporting in the upcoming year.

And we hugged.  I hope other groups of Democrats enjoy one another as much as this one does.

I got to enjoy Boone downtown and the Christmas decorations on my way home.

And I couldn't wait to show Donald (and Facebook friends) my wonderful door prize.  Don't you love these handblown wine glasses??  My friend Marybeth  declared them to be "Seussian," which I think is perfect!

In case any of you were wondering where Don Barley was while I was playing with the Dems, he opted to stay home to watch football (Yay, Panthers - ANOTHER Win!  Now 12-0, 1st in NFC Southern Division) and do some yard work.  

A lot of yard work . . .

It was a good day.

Life is good.

And because I'm going to try my keep to keep to my word about getting more involved in the coming year, you'll probably become fairly familiar with some of the faces you've seen in this piece.  

They're good people.  

They're doing good things for the people of Watauga County, and they want to do more.

I want to help them.

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