Saturday, October 13, 2018

Last day in Amsterdam - time to head home . . .

We loved our hotel in Amsterdam - Hotel Fita. 

Breakfast was one of our favorite things.

What a cool clock!

Our hotel is located in the Museum District, which is also the Fashion District.

What's a trip to Amsterdam without a canal ride?

and before we knew it,
it was time to go home.

Fun to walk through Schiphol Airport  and see some of the ING logo signs enticing us to do a little more traveling


Lesa said...

Those ING signs are so tempting! As were your breakfasts. MMMMMMM!

Kaye Wilkinson Barley - Meanderings and Muses said...

I woke up looking forward to breakfast, for sure! I loved everything about our little hotel.

I thought about you while I was snapping shots of the ING signs. They do seem to tempt people to come to the airport and just hop on a plane to anywhere, don't they?