Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Good days, bad days, we all have 'em . . .

Some days are just better than others.

Yesterday was not my finest day.


First of all - I take back all the bad things I've ever said about cell phones. 

Well, not all things. 

Some of the things.

I bought one for Don Barley when he bought his motorcycle and insisted it go with him while he was riding. 

He bitched, he moaned. 

He hates cell phones worse than I do.
But, God love him, he used it yesterday while he and Alan were out riding The Parkway on their bikes to check in a couple of times to let me know he was, in fact, alive.

And sounded like a kid in a candy store.

All good.

And, I had a good morning working at Pam & Jerry's.

Then I met a friend for lunch where the waitress dropped a glass of ice water in my lap.

oh well. It could have been coffee, right?

Went to Walgreen's to pick up the prescription eye drops for my cataract surgery. They couldn't find them. They'd been awaiting pick-up for longer than their allotted number of days and had been put back on the shelf, but couldn't be found.

So, in wet clothes looking kinda like I had wet my pants, I waited until they were found.

But then they refused to accept the coupons the eye clinic had sent me.

and - - - 
 this happened.

While there waiting for my prescriptions to be found, I wandered around the store a little.  I passed by the greeting card section, saw the sign reminding everyone that Mother's Day would be coming up pretty soon and I thought to myself, "I better grab Mother's Day cards while I'm here." 

and then I remembered. 

and then I cried a little. 

Walgreen's wasn't my favorite place to be yesterday, and I was not their favorite customer.

Deciding the day sucked and having a feeling it could suck a little more I called Belk's when I got home to check on an order that should have been here a few days ago.

"Oh, it was delivered," said she.

"No.  No, it wasn't," said I.

My plan was to go back to Pam & Jerry's to work a little more, but decided, noooo, maybe not.

What I did instead was open a cold beer and went to bed with my book.

A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.


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