Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Saying a temporary goodbye to Facebook


No one has loved Facebook more than me.

Until I didn't.

I love spending time, even virtual time, with friends and family.

Sharing stories, photos, memories.

Discovering new artists, poets, authors.

And then today I was hacked.

Boo.  Hiss.

What's with people who don't have enough in their own lives to keep them busy and happy that they have to do really ridiculously stupid stuff like mess with someone else's Facebook account for God's sake?  Bless their hearts.


So it's actually a good thing for me.  I had cut back on my time there because it seems to be a place where the mean crazies live. 

Now, for awhile, I'll just use my little piece of the internet world that I own and share what I want to share right here.  Or at my webpage -

Today I have no news.

 I'm reading a good book.  Natasha Lester's "The Paris Secret."  And, so far, it's excellent!

Enjoy your day - Stay safe, stay in touch, and VOTE VOTE VOTE!

(Teeshirt available here)

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